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Showing posts from December, 2023

What are the uses of AI in our day-to-day lives in 2024?

What are the uses of AI in our day-to-day lives in 2024? In 2024 AI is all over us from our mobile to our watch AI is our new best friend and, in my opinion, it will stay with us forever. Although AI Entered many aspects of over lives below are the ones that we use daily - 1)Face Recognition - Today from our mobile to our security cameras face recognition systems play a very important role like in traffic cameras which are used to detect criminals and traffic offenders. 2)Content recommendations - Most Applications like YouTube, Instagram, and LinkedIn all use a content recommendation system to show us content that is best for us as per our likes and dislikes. 3)Maps Applications - Apps like Google app, Navik all use AI to recommend the shortest distance between two places to reach in the shortest time. 4)Product recommendation in Shopping Apps - Shopping Apps like Amazon and Flipkart use AI to recommend the products that are best in price for us, and which is based on our past purchas

Which city is best for IT jobs in 2024 in India?

Which city is best for IT jobs in 2024 in India? India is becoming a hub of IT and software-related jobs and companies. many MNCs like Microsoft, Google, Microsoft, etc opened their head offices in Indian cities like Bangalore, Hyderabad, Noida etc. Out of many cities, mostly these 5 cities attract the most numbers of IT professionals from different parts of India and some International professionals also -  1)Bangalore 2)Hyderabad 3)Noida 4)Pune 5Chennai 1)Bangalore - Bangalore is the first choice among many IT professionals because of Its number of opportunities and also because of its cultural aspects which welcomes people from all parts of India. (aor ha weather bhi acha rehta hai) 2)Hyderabad - After Bangalore Hyderabad is the 2nd most liked city among IT professionals to work in, if you compare it with Bangalore then you can say that if Bangalore has 100 openings in a particular year, then Hyderabad also has 70-80 openings. Also, Hyderabad is loved by food lovers because of the

Why Python should be your first programming language?

Why Python should be your first programming language? This a big debate in all programming communities as to which should be your first programming language or in other words which programming language one should learn so that he can get most of the benefits in his career. So, with my journey till now in programming and development I think Python will be the best for anyone as a starting programming language and to support my opinion I can say Python comes with the simplest syntax almost like normal English which we use in daily life. Also, if anyone in 2024 wants to learn programming then Python will be the best choice as we are living in the age of AI, and in the next 5-10 years AI will be all over us so it's better to learn a language with helps us the most with AI development which is Python. Maybe your first programming language for a beginner will be different above is totally my personal opinion so feel free to comment your opinion with your arguments. Read More. Cheapest an

How much Money do a freelancer make as a PowerBI Developer ?

How much Money does a freelancer make as a PowerBI Developer? As of 2023 and also will be in 2024 the rate of any fresher PowerBI developer can get $ 8-12 per hour on platforms like Upwork, freelancer, etc. With Experience of 1-2 years or after completing 50-60 small-medium projects powerBI developer can get $ 15-20 per hour. After a certain time around 5 years of experience and 200 + projects powerBI developer can get around $ 25+ per hour. Above all data is given by my personal experience so maybe you have some different data and experiences feel free to mention your view in the comment section. Read more.

Is PowerBI Enough for Becoming a Data Analyst in 2024?

Is PowerBI Enough for Becoming a Data Analyst in 2024? In one word No. To become a full data analyst, you should learn SQL, Excel any virtualization tool like PowerBI or Tableau, and basic Python. So to become a Data Analyst only PowerBI knowledge is not enough you have to learn other technologies as listed above. In 2024 my people are willing to join the data Analyst profile, but they don't know the exact path and many people think that learning any Visualization tool is enough for becoming a data Analyst which is totally wrong. So, to become a data Analyst you have to learn all the things listed above. Read more. Have you heard? Copilot is coming to Power BI. 👏 — Microsoft Power BI (@MSPowerBI) July 10, 2023

Why PowerBI is Gaining Popularity in 2024.

Why PowerBI is Gaining Popularity in 2024. PowerBI is a Visualization tool developed by Microsoft in 2015 and regularly maintained by it. Every month Microsoft adds more and more features to it. PowerBI is gaining more and more popularity in 2024 because of its compatibility with Microsoft's other products like SQL SERVER, MS Excel, etc. Also, its user-friendly interface helps the user in their work which makes it more popular. The main rival of PowerBI is Tableau but the cost of license  of Tableau  is much higher than PowerBI which also makes it popular among users. Many people also like PowerBI Nowadays because many people by default know Microsoft products and are very comfortable using PowerBI among other Microsoft Products. Are you tapping into the full power of your data? Here's how to get actionable insights fast to stay ahead: #PowerBI — Microsoft Power BI (@MSPowerBI) November 20, 2023

Donald Trump Banned from running for Presidency of USA.

Donald Trump Banned from running for Presidency of USA. The Supreme Court of Colorado State USA a ruling which banned Donald Trump from the US primary election of Presidency election 2024. Donald Trump called this a political conspiracy against him by the Democratic party and also called Biden a threat to democracy. As per USA federal law trump can go to a country's supreme court and rule over this decision. Many people call this as black days for USA democracy. Read more. The actual end of democracy. — Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) December 20, 2023

Pearl Harbor Day 2023.

 Pearl Harbor Day 2023. On 7th of December every year USA is remembers its martyrs who died on Pearl harbor by the attack of Japan Airforce. After the attack on Pearl Harbor USA officially entered WW2. The US government organizes many functions for the veterans of Pearl Harbor every year on 7th December. Perl Harbor is also remembered in other countries like the UK, and France which were partners of the USA in WW2. Read more. On this day 82 years ago, Naval Forces of the Japanese Empire backed by 353 planes attacked the US Pacific Fleet in Pearl Harbour. The attack occurred before the Empire of Japan declared war and cost more than 2,400 American lives. Germany shortly after declared war against the… — (((Tendar))) (@Tendar) December 7, 2023

OMG! Pranav Mukherjee said Rahul Gandhi: "Immature".

OMG! Pranav Mukherjee said to Rahul Gandhi: "Immature". Recently in the book of Pranav Mukherjee's daughter book on his father, she wrote about his father's view about Rahul Gandhi. Sharmishtha Mukherjee titled her book as "Pranav My Father" and after this remarks a new kind of debate started in Indian politics. After this incident suddenly many people are quoting the words of the former president of the USA Mr. Obama who also called Rahul Gandhi an immature politician in his book. India is heading towards its general election in April 2024 and many people are taking this also as a move to get people's views on certain topics to gain political benefits. Read more. #EXCLUSIVE His trust in Rahul Gandhi seemed to waver when RaGa publicly criticized the ordinance. My father considered it a regrettable decision and felt disheartened by it: @Sharmistha_GK tells @navikakumar — TIMES NOW (@TimesNow) December 7, 2023