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Why we should Fear AI.

 Why we should Fear AI.

In 2024 AI is everywhere from our food delivery app to our watches. We all get the benefits of AI from morning to night, but AI is or may harm us in the future like - 

1)Deep Fake videos - We all saw the deep fake video of Rashmika Madhana a few days back which was not an actual video but made by AI. In the future, we can see more and more such videos from celebrities and politicians who can influence the whole country in a certain direction which may be harmful for all of us.

2)KYC Fraud - Many apps especially related to finance do your KYC online which can be impacted in the future as someone can just place your face on his and complete the KYC which can lead to financial fraud.

3)Fake call recordings - many people can't differentiate between an actual call and a fake call which changes the voice to your voice and demands money and any other things from your family and elderly people get trapped in this the most.

4)Fake paintings - Many AI in today's time can replicate the actual painting of any famous painter and print which most ordinary people can't differentiate and pay the original cost for it. Read more.


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