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Top 5 Most Used Visuals in Power BI

Top 5 Most Used Visuals in Power BI

PowerBI Course.

Power BI offers a variety of visualizations to help users create compelling and informative reports. Here are the top 5 visuals most commonly used by Power BI developers:

1. Bar and Column Charts

  • Description: These charts are used to compare values across categories using rectangular bars.
  • Types: Horizontal bar charts, vertical column charts, stacked bar/column charts, and clustered bar/column charts.
  • Use Cases: Comparing sales figures across different regions or products. Displaying count of events in different categories. Showing changes over time when the number of periods is relatively small.

2. Pie and Donut Charts

  • Description: These circular charts display parts of a whole, where each slice represents a category's contribution to the total.
  • Types: Standard pie charts and donut charts (which have a hole in the center).
  • Use Cases: Showing market share distribution among competitors. Displaying survey results or poll percentages. Highlighting the proportion of different cost components in a total budget.

3. Line and Area Charts

  • Description: Line charts display data points connected by lines to show trends over time, while area charts fill the area below the line.
  • Types: Simple line charts stacked area charts, and 100% stacked area charts.
  • Use Cases: Tracking monthly sales performance over multiple years. Visualizing stock prices over time. Showing trends in website traffic or user engagement.

4. Tables and Matrix

  • Description: Tables display data in rows and columns, while matrix visuals allow for more complex data layouts with hierarchical rows and columns.
  • Types: Standard tables and matrix visuals.
  • Use Cases: Displaying detailed financial data. Summarizing sales data with categories and subcategories. Presenting a pivot-style report with aggregated data.

5. Maps

  • Description: Maps visualize data geographically, showing spatial relationships and patterns.
  • Types: Basic maps, filled maps, and ArcGIS maps.
  • Use Cases: Displaying sales distribution across different countries or regions. Visualizing customer locations or market penetration. Mapping out service areas or delivery routes.


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